Wednesday, July 16, 2014

RIP: Minnie

Sometimes, life as a Primcess, even a self-proclaimed one, can be really hard. There are instances where you are forced to remember how fragile everything in your world is and that things happen that are out of your control and the only thing you can do is try to move forward. 
This was Minnie. She was three years old and she passed away today. 
I got Minnie from a lawyer in downtown Houston, TX. He had made a post on craigslist for some kittens that he had found in an empty lot next to his office. When I went to pick her up, she was so small that I had to bottle feed her for a week. 
Originally, I had been looking for a male cat, with the intention of naming him Figaro. (From the Mozart opera, Marraige of Figaro, and from Disney's Pinnochio.) When I saw this little diva though, it was love at first sight.  Well, for me; honestly, she wasn't too fond of me for a while. 
Minnie got into a lot of trouble. She peed on my school backpack within the first 4 hours I had her. (I never got the smell out, either.) She had a penchant for knocking over cups of water and climbing in cabinets. 
In my first house in Louisiana, she actually ripped a hole through the wall and spent the night in a tree behind the house. After that, she made a game out if escaping from the house and making me crazy with worry. 
Minnie was a spoiled, pretentious, little cat who loved to cuddle and torment my dog, Mickey. 
And I love her. A lot. 

Until next time, 
Princess K

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