Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Fitness Princess: Wedding Dress Challenge Week #2

We're back with Fitness Princess K!

Last week was week one of the Wedding Dress Challenge and, boy, was it hard. Really, I have been hitting the treadmill several times a week over the last few months but I still feel out of shape after this last week.

Here is the video of last week's workout and fit list.
Phew! I get tired just looking at it! I did the workout three times, completed the 1 mile walk/jog (twice) and played Just Dance 3 as my "sneaky exercise." However, I did not get to the yoga part of my fit list!
Much like this penguin, I was going good until the yoga. :( However, I did spend two days out of my weekend lifting and moving stuff from Houston to my home in Louisiana.

My fit test results were as follows:
Combined results from three workouts
-Push ups: 62
-Squats: 90
-Burpees: 28
-Plank: 30 seconds average
-Flexability: I can touch my toes and hold it!

Not too bad. I did my push ups from my knees because I have a lot of difficulty with my shoulders. (Torn rotary cuff on one side and an aggravated nerve on the other. That's what I get for 10+ years of flute playing.)

I have lost 1 pound since last week and am down 1 inch on my hips and waist.

Now, onto this week! Check out the new workout here.
And here is the new nutrition check list for anyone who wants it.

Looks like we have added a new feature to extra! "Close the kitchen after dinner." Nice. I actually don't snack much after my dinner but I tend to eat around 8:30-9pm because Jeremy doesn't get home until then most nights. However, since I have reclaimed by slow cooker this past weekend, maybe I can move my dinner time before 8pm and still have warm dinner for Jeremy? 

Leave comments below on your experience with the first week of the WDC.

Princess K, out!

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